Your Tech StartUp Live in 21 Days!

Go from Ideation to Proof of Concept in just 3 weeks.


Core Features

Designed For Scale

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Product Market Fit

Get your product live and tested on the right audience
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Designed for Scale

Fully functional prototypes that can be used in production
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Speed, without compromising on quality

Fast, reliable, scalable software solutions with all the support you could possibly need

Bring Your Idea To Life

Build the next Facebook, Google or Dropbox

Fully Functional

Fully Functional Prototypes

Fully functional prototypes that can be used in production, without the need of a development team and a fully custom back office to grow your new-found business
Beat the Competition

Beat the Competition

Get your product to market before your competitors. We will help you to beat the competition and get your product live in 21 days

Quality features

Entrepreneur...Meet Your Future App

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Only 21 Days to go live with a fully functional, fully responsive prototype
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We will help you select the most performant, well supported tech stack
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Backed By The Cloud

Every line of code, every image, process and intellectual property backed up by the cloud
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Unlimited Customization

If you can dream it, we can do it! Customize your app any way you like. Focus on growth while we do the heavy lifting for you.
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Strategy Design

We will help you design and effective go-to-market strategy to enter the market with a bang!
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Unlimited Support

Get the highest quality support even after launch.

Industry Leading Technologies

Build the best of Breed Apps

Whether you are a startup or a established company, we can help you to build the best of Breed Apps.


Building Your Minimal Viable Product

Here’s how it works


Business Model Validation

We run extensive workshops with expert business and marketing consultants to validate your business model

Product Market Fit

We run experiments to ensure product market fit through our proprietary technology and growth hacking processes.

Non-Functional Prototype

Now that you have a validated business model and confirmed product market fit, we can create a non-functional prototype with a user experience that perfectly aligns to the needs of your target audience

Go To Market with a Fully Functional Prototype

Having checked all the boxes for a successful product, its time to launch your product. We will help you with the best Go-To-Market strategy based on 1000s of case studies and extensive industry experience.


Meet Client Satisfaction

Build the Best, Quickly, Efficiently and Scalably

Fintech - Martech - Blockchain - Web3 - RegTech - LegalTech - PropTech

Build the Best, Quickly, Efficiently and Scalably

We are a team of highly experienced and talented software developers, designers, and project managers who are passionate about building the best products and services for our clients.

Whereto from here?

Let’s get started

Preservation Plan

For Existing Startups with Live Products

  • Business Model Validation
  • Product Market Fit
  • Growth Hacking Processes and Strategy Implementation
  • Non-Functional Prototypes
  • Minimum Viable Product - Fully Functional Prototypes

21Day Prototype Plan

For StartUps with nothing but a Dream

Next Project Intake
Enquire for availability
  • Business Model Validation
  • Product Market Fit
  • Growth Hacking Processes and Strategy Implementation
  • Non-Functional Prototypes
  • Minimum Viable Product - Fully Functional Prototypes
  • Access to Funders

Got Questions? We've got answers!

Frequently asked questions

What types of businesses do you support?
We support almost any startup depending on the availability of the team.
Do you provide funding?
In some cases, yes. We do. We have a dedicated team of experts to help procure funding for your project. In some rare cases, we'll provide the funding ourselves as well.
Can you help me with my project's technical design?
Yes! That's our entire vision and mission, to help you build the best possible product in the shortest timespan possible.
Can you create mobile apps as well?
Yes! Often times, our research shows that desktop apps are unneccesary for an MVP(Minimum Viable Product). The name of the game is efficiency when taking a product to market in the shortest possible time frame.
How soon can you get started on my project?
Depending on the availability of a dedicated team, we could start with your project immediately. We would need to go through some introductions and scoping first, which could take a day or two, but we can assign a team to your project pretty quickly.